baddeley 1966

Cards (12)

  • baddeley gave his participants a list of words to memorise
  • to test their short term memory he asked them to recall the list of words in the correct order immediately after they were given list
  • to test their long term memory baddeley asked pp to recall the list in the correct order 20 minutes after initial memorisation
  • not all pps received same list of words, divided into 4 groups
  • group A list acoustically similar
  • group B list acoustically dissimilar
  • group C semantically similar
  • group D semantically dissimilar
  • when stm tested, group A (acoustically similar words), had worst recell
  • when ltm tested 20 minutes later, group C (semantically similar words) had worst recall
  • provided evidence that people use acoustic code for stm
  • provided evidence that people use semantic code for ltm