Blood Glucose concentration is controlled by hormones: insulin and glucagon.
If Blood glucose concentration is toohigh it can damage our tissues.
Glycogenis a long term storage form of Glucose.
Glucagon is a hormone, Glycogen is a largemolecule of lots of glucose.
When there are low levels of blood glucose concentration: the pancreasreleaseglucagon into the blood. It goes to cells. Cells breakdownGlycogen into small glucosemolecules again.
Insulin is a hormone produced in the prancreas, and is released when the blood glucose concentration is too high.
Glucagon is a hormone produced in the prancreas, and is released when the blood glucose concentration is too low.
The Pancreasreleasesinsulin, which bind to recepetors, telling the cells to take the glucose in the blood.
Pancreas secretsGlucagon into the blood to LIVERCELLS, when blood conc is too LOW.
Gluagon - Glycogen to Glucose. Glucose then diffuses into blood.
Insulin - Glucose to Glycogen.
When we eatfood containing carbohydrates, it increases our blood glucose concentration.
When we excersize it removesglucose from our blood for respiration.