prejudice is a result of conflict between groups, and arises due to competition.
Sherif states when 2 diff groups compete for same valued resource members become prejudiced
Ember and Ember (1992)
In tribal societies intergroup hostility increases when competition for natural resources increases (eg famine).
crosscultural evidence to support RCT!
Aronson (1978)
removal of competition in class toward superordinate goal reduces conflict.
jigsaw method, had to work together to ensure success of classproject, which reduced comp (supports RCT, prac app!!)
credible due to evidence, Sherif shows how competition increased hostility and when working toward superordinate goal they seemed friendlier.
cross-cultural relevance using Ember and Ember.
Sherif said boys became hostile before competition was introduced, socialidentity may be better? also ignores individual differences
Robbers cave was field experiment, meaning high in ecological validity as going to a summer camp seems normal. high in mundanerealism as tug of war and softball were good competitions to use.
suggests prejudice and hostility can reduce is working toward a superordinate goal.