in 1971 beardley found that the frontal cortex is active during stm using brain scanning
in 1991 squire et al used mri scans and found that the hippcampus is active during ltm
neuroimaging techniques
techniques that allow us to look inside brain to see different activation patterns
case study about patient HM found that he had memory loss due to a part of his brain being removed to stop his lifelong epilepsy
HM had his hippocampus removed which meant he wasn't able to store memory for long
brain scans and case studies of patients like HM or Clive Wearing support the multi store model and support the idea that we have multiple memory stores that can each be damaged independently
limitations patient KF
the multi store model of memory isn't supported by findings from case, like patient KF and his motorbike accident
limitations short term memory
oversimplified because it says we have only one short term memory store
limitation rehearsal
puts too much emphasis on the role of rehearsal in the transfer of information to long term memory