
Cards (13)

  • Activation Energy (Ea)
    The minimum amount of energy needed for the particles to react
  • Collision Theory
    • Particles must Collide
    • The energy of the collision must be greater than the Activation Energy (E ≥ Ea)
    • Particles must collide with the correct orientation
  • Energy Profile Diagram for an Exothermic reaction
    Show the activation energy
  • How activation energy is measured
    Activation energy is measured from Reactants to the top of the hump
  • How ∆H is measured
    • ∆H is the difference between the enthalpy of the reactants and products
    • ∆H is negative (exo)
  • Energy Profile Diagram for an Endothermic reaction

    Show the activation energy
  • How ∆H is measured
    • ∆H is the difference between the enthalpy of the reactants and products
    • ∆H is positive (endo)
  • For a reaction to happen there must be s= SUCCESSFUL COLLISIONS have E≥ Ea
  • Factors that increase the number of successful collisions and hence the rate of reaction
    • Increase in concentration of reactants
    • Increase in pressure of gaseous reactants
    • Increase in surface area of solid reactants
    • Increase in temperature
    • Adding a catalyst
  • What happens to the Rate of reaction when the concentration of a reactant is increased
    1. The particles are closer together
    2. the particles collide more frequently
    3. more frequent successful collisions
    4. faster rate of reaction
  • What happens to the Rate of reaction when the pressure of a reactant is increased
    1. The particles are closer together
    2. the particles collide more frequently
    3. more frequent successful collisions
    4. faster rate of reaction
  • What happens to the Rate of reaction when the surface area of a reactant is increased
    1. greater surface is exposed for collisions
    2. The particles collide more frequently
    3. There are more successful collisions
    4. And therefore, a faster rate of reaction
  • Marking guidance when drawing a Maxwell Boltzmann distribution
    • The line must start at the origin -THERE ARE NO PARTICLES WITH ZERO ENERGY
    • The distribution is NOT SYMMETRICAL
    • The area UNDER the curves represents the TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICLES
    • The line at higher energy MUST NOT TOUCH the x-axis (it becomes parallel)