
Cards (172)

  • Systems
    Composed of: Inputs - Where matter or energy is added to the system, Outputs - Where matter or energy leaves the system, Stores - Where matter or energy builds up in the system, Flows - Where matter or energy moves in the system, Boundaries - Limits to the system (e.g. watershed)
  • Open systems
    Systems that receive inputs and transfer outputs of energy or matter with other systems
  • Closed systems
    Systems where energy inputs equal outputs
  • Dynamic equilibrium
    When inputs equal outputs despite changing conditions
  • Positive feedback
    A chain of events that amplifies the impacts of the original event
  • Negative feedback
    A chain of events that nullifies the impacts of the original event, leading to dynamic equilibrium
  • On a local scale the carbon and water cycles are both open systems, but on a global scale, they are closed systems
  • Each of these systems contains flows/transfers, inputs, outputs and stores/components
  • Inputs in the local water cycle
    • Precipitation
  • Outputs in the local water cycle
    • Evapotranspiration
    • Streamflow
  • Stores in the local water cycle
    • Groundwater
    • Soil Water
    • Rivers
    • Interception
    • Surface
  • Flows in the local water cycle
    • Infiltration
    • Percolation
    • Throughflow
    • Surface Runoff
    • Groundwater Flow
    • Streamflow
    • Stemflow
  • Water balance
    Used to express the process of water storage and transfer in a drainage basin system using the formula: Precipitation = Total Runoff + Evapotranspiration +/- Storage
  • Factors impacting the local water cycle
    • Deforestation
    • Storm Events
    • Seasonal Changes
    • Agriculture
    • Urbanisation
  • The soil water budget shows the annual balance between inputs and outputs in the water cycle
  • There is a surplus of water in the winter months, after recharge of soil water in autumn
  • The stores are depleting when evapotranspiration is greater than precipitation, leading to a deficit of soil water
  • Maximum storage of water in the soil is field capacity
  • Areas where water can be stored globally
    • Hydrosphere
    • Lithosphere
    • Cryosphere
    • Atmosphere
  • Aquifers
    Underground water stores that are unevenly distributed globally, with shallow aquifers storing water for up to 200 years and deeper fossil aquifers storing water for up to 10,000 years
  • Glaciers
    May store water for 20-100 years, feeding lakes that store water for 50-100 years
  • Seasonal snow cover and rivers
    Store water for 2-6 months
  • Soil water
    Acts as a more temporary store, holding water for 1-2 months
  • Natural processes impacting the water cycle over time
    • Seasonal Changes
  • Human impacts on the water cycle
    • Farming Practices
    • Land Use Change
    • Water Abstraction
  • Flood hydrograph
    Used to represent rainfall for the drainage basin of a river and the discharge of the same river on a graph
  • Factors affecting whether a flood hydrograph is flashy or subdued
    • Pastoral Farming
    • Deforestation
    • High Rainfall Intensity
    • Antecedent Rainfall
    • Impermeable Underlying Geology
    • High Drainage Density
  • The carbon cycle occurs on a local scale in a plant, or sere such as the lithosere, which is a vegetation succession that occurs on bare rock
  • Transfers in the global carbon cycle
    • Photosynthesis
    • Respiration
    • Combustion
    • Decomposition
    • Diffusion
    • Weathering and Erosion
    • Burial and Compaction
    • Carbon Sequestration
  • Main carbon stores globally
    • Marine Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks
    • Oceans
    • Fossil Fuel Deposits
    • Soil Organic Matter
    • Atmosphere
    • Terrestrial Plants
  • Carbon return to soil
    1. Diffusion
    2. Weathering and Erosion
    3. Burial and Compaction
    4. Carbon Sequestration
  • Diffusion
    The oceans can absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, but this harms aquatic life by causing coral bleaching
  • Weathering and Erosion
    Rock particles broken down and transferred to the ocean, where the carbon is used by marine organisms to create shells
  • Burial and Compaction
    Sea shell fragments become compacted over time to form limestone and organic matter may form fossil fuels
  • Carbon Sequestration

    Transfer of carbon from the atmosphere and can be both natural and artificial
  • Main Carbon Stores (In order of magnitude)
    • Marine Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks - Lithosphere - Long-term
    • Oceans - Hydrosphere - Dynamic
    • Fossil Fuel Deposits - Lithosphere - Long-term but currently dynamic
    • Soil Organic Matter - Lithosphere - Mid-term
    • Atmosphere - Dynamic
    • Terrestrial Plants - Biosphere - Mid-term but very dynamic
  • The lithosphere is the main store of carbon, with global stores unevenly distributed
  • The oceans are larger in the southern hemisphere, and storage in the biosphere mostly occurs on land. Terrestrial plant storage is focussed in the tropics and the northern hemisphere
  • Natural Processes
    1. Wildfires: Transfer carbon from biosphere to atmosphere as CO2 is released through burning. Can encourage the growth of plants in the long term
    2. Volcanic Activity: Carbon stored within the earth is released during volcanic eruptions, mainly as CO2 gas
  • Human Impacts
    1. Fossil Fuel Use - Combustion transfers CO2 to the atmosphere from a long-term carbon sink
    2. Deforestation - Often used to clear land for farming/housing, rapidly releases carbon stored in plants using slash and burn techniques and interrupting the forest carbon cycle
    3. Farming Practices - Arable farming releases CO2 as animals respire. Ploughing can release CO2 stored in the soil. Farm machinery such as tractors may release CO2