Mouth - where mechanical and chemical digestion begin
Esophagus - pushes the food from the throat to the stomach through the process of peristalsis
produces gastric juices mucus and hydrochloric acid
churned food and mixed it with gastric juices
Small intestine - produces juices that aids digestion
Large intestine
undigested food will go here
most of the water from undigested food is absorbed
Rectum - stores feces
Anus - Opening through which solid waste material leaves the body
Liver - produces bile, greenish- yellow liquid, which helps to break down fat
Gallbladder - stores bile
Pancreas - secretes enzymes for digesting starch and protein
Stages of digestive process
The process by which food is taken into the alimentary canal
Includes the processes that take place while the food is in the mouth
Digestion - The process by which invested (food) material is broken down into a form that can then be absorbed and assimilated into the tissues of the body.
Digestion includes two types of processes
Mechanical (e.g. chewing, grinding, churning,mixing), and
Chemical (e.g action of digestive enzymes,bile, acids, etc.).
Absorption is the uptake of fluids or other substances by the tissue of the body
Assimilation is the process by which components / chemical's from food are taken into the cells of the body