Cards (21)

  • Parasitology
    The study of parasites and parasitic diseases
  • Types of parasites and hosts
    • Symbiosis
    • Parasitism
    • Ecto and endoparasite
    • Commensalism
    • Mutualism
    • Phoresis
  • Symbiosis
    An interaction between two organisms where at least one benefits
  • Parasitism
    An interaction where one organism (the parasite) benefits while the other (the host) loses
  • Ectoparasite
    A parasite that lives outside the body of the host
  • Endoparasite
    A parasite that lives inside the body of the host
  • Obligate parasite
    A parasite that is physiologically and metabolically dependent on the host and cannot exist without a parasitic life in the host
  • Facultative parasite
    A parasite that can live a parasitic or free-living existence when the opportunity arises
  • Many parasites are causative agents of major public health problems in the world
  • Prevalence of parasites in the world
    • Ascariasis (1.5 billion)
    • Hookworms (1.3 billion)
    • Trichuriasis (1 billion)
    • Filariasis (657 million)
    • Malaria (500 million)
    • Schistosomiasis (270 million)
    • Amoebiasis (50 million)
    • Taeniasis (50 million)
    • Chagas disease (15 million)
  • Parasites cause untold suffering and death in the world today
  • Reasons for parasitic infections in this country
    • Increased travel
    • Low understanding
    • Immigrants
  • Medical parasitology is the study of parasites that infect humans, the diseases they produce, and the various diagnosis and prevention methods
  • Parasites are organisms that infect other living beings, live in or on the body of another host, and obtain shelter and nourishment from it
  • The host is the organism which harbors the parasite, and the parasite multiplies or undergoes development in the host
  • Human parasites may be either unicellular microbes (protozoa) or larger organisms (metazoa), some of which may be many meters in size
  • Lymphatic filariasis is a type of parasitic disease
  • Amoebiasis and liver abscess are types of parasitic diseases
  • Ascariasis is a type of parasitic disease
  • Malaria is a type of parasitic disease
  • Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis is a type of parasitic disease