Individuals or organisations with an interest or influence in actions or decisions
Public Players Examples
Local governments ( local planning )
National government (department planning eg. education, transport )
Transnational governments ( the EU )
Private players Examples
Small businesses
Local community groups
Player: Local government
Type of player: Public
What do they do: Planning and implementation at a local scale such as for a city
Player: National government
Type of player: Public
What do they do: department planning such as for education, transport and environmental management
Player: Transnational government - EU
Type of player: Public
What do they do: The EU provide grants for infrastructure development
Player: Local community
Type of player: Private
What do they do: Concerned about their immediate area
Player: NGOs
Type of player: Private
Example: National Trust
What causes economic change
Interactions of a considerable number of players/ stakeholders which bring around economicchange, which affects places and people at a variety of scales