fluorometry - end of slide

Cards (23)

  • Fluorometry
    When light as absorbed by the matter to the absorber; molecule gets excited then spontaneously returns to the ground state
  • Vibrational relaxation
    Excess energy = heat by collisions of solute + solvent
  • Photoluminescence
    longer wavelength is re-emitted after 10-8 seconds or longer
  • Quantum efficiency factor or Yield
    intensity of fluorescent emission that can vary to no fluorescence (zero) to all excited molecules (unity)
    1. Light source
    2. Focusing lens
    3. Monochromator
    4. Sample cuvet
    5. Emission monochromator
    6. Photomultiplier tube
    7. Signal outage amplifier
    8. Display
    9. Reference beam photosensor
    10. Source supply
    11. Light block
  • Nephelometry
    Measures scattered light at a right angle
  • Nephelometer
    a photometer designed to measure light scattered by a colloidal or colloidal-like suspension
  • Right angle
    Perpendicular - 90°
  • Ideal nephelometer instrument
    Free of stray light
  • Turbidimetry
    measures the reduction in the light transmission caused by particle formation; quantifies the residual light transmitted
  • Reflectance spectromety
    a beam of light is directed to a flat surface
  • White surface
    serves as maximum reflection and zero concentration standard
  • Black surface
    serves as zero reflection and high concentration standard
    1. Light source
    2. Slit
    3. Filter
    4. Collimating lens
    5. Test surface
    6. Collimating lens
    7. Detector
    8. Readout device
  • Powerful quali and quanti analytical technique that is used to measure a wide range of clinically relevant analytes
    Mass Spectrometry
  • An analytical instrument that ionized target molecules
    Mass spectrometer
  • A process by which a mixture of ionic species is identifies according to the mass to charge (m/z) ratio ( ions)
    Mass analysis
  • Unfragmented ion of the original molecule
    Molecular ion
  • Ions with the highest abundance of 100%
    Base peak
  • Represented by vertical dashed lines
    Fragmentation patters
  • Uses radio frequency and direct current
    Quadrupole Mass Filter (QMF)
  • Measures time it takes ions of different masses to move from the ion source to
    Time of Flight Mass Analyzer
  • Ionization sources
    electro spray ionization (ESI)
    sonics spray ionization (SSI)
    atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI)