Discernment - process of making a decision in life like choosing future career
Career - refers to your professionin life
Career latin word carrus which means wheeledvehicle
Steps for discerning your career life
•self assessment
•choosing right course
•asses the family's financial condition
•make a choice and make action
Trends - mean general direction in which something tends to move
Keyemploymentgenerators(kges) - refers to industries or sector with greatest potential to generate employment
• agribusiness
• banking and finance
• construction
• cyberservicess
• health and wellness
• hotelrestauranttourism
• manufacturer
• mining
• overseasemployment
• ownershipdwellings and realestate
• transport and logistics
• wholesale and retail trade
Emergingindustries - an industrial sectors growing at a rate faster than the economy and exhibiting potential
Emerging industries
• creativeindustries
• diversified or strategicfishing and farming
• power and utilities
• renewableenergy
Accountancy, businesses management (ABM) - plan to take businesses related course
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) - have aptitude in math or science or engineering studies
Humanities and social sciences (HUMSS) - wants to pursue field of study
General academic strand ( Gas) - for undecided
Technical Vocation Livelihood - aligned with tle and it offers specialization that may not have national certificate
Technical Education and Skills Development authority (TESDA)
Tech voc strand
• HomeEconomics
• Agri-fisheries
• industrial/ arts
Art and design track
• theatre
• music
• creative writing
• media arts
• visual arts
Sports Track
• athlete development
• fitness training
• coaching
• officiating
Philippines commission on higher education (CHED) - generically calls college or university as higher education institute ( HEIs)
College or dalubhasan - institution of higher learning offering academic program and usually professional training leading to degree
University or pamantasan - institution made up on undergraduate division that offers bachelors degree and a graduate division (university must have 20 plus course)