An entire group that is under study or investigation
A subsettakenfromapopulation, either by random or non-random sampling techniques
Random sample
A selectionofnelementsderivedfromapopulationN, in which each sample point has an equal chance of being selected using an appropriate sampling technique
Lottery sampling
1. Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
2. Names represented by small pieces of paper, mixed together and picked out at random
3. Selected members included in the sample
Systematic random sampling
1. Membersofthepopulationarelisted and samplesareselected in intervals called sampleintervals
2. Everynthelement from a list is selected from a randomlyselectedstarting point
Stratified random sampling
1. Members of the population aregroupedbasedon their homogeneity
2. Population classifiedintosubpopulations or stratabasedoncharacteristics
3. Selection of elementsmadeseparately from withineachstratum, usually by random or systematicsamplingmethods
Cluster sampling
1. Sampling at higher levelsfirstbeforegoingdown to lower levels
2. Randomlytakesamples from provinces, then cities, municipalities, or barangays, then households
1. Combinationof different samplingtechniques
2. Lotterymethod for regions and cities, then stratified sampling for chosenareas and clusters
Non-random sampling
Sample is notaproportionof the population and thereisnosystemforselecting a sample
Types ofnon-randomsamplingtechniques
Accidental sampling
Quota sampling
Convenience sampling
Purposive sampling
Accidental samplingincludesonlythosewhom the researchermeetsbychance
Quota sampling includes a specifiednumberofpersons of certaintypestobetakenassamples
Convenience sampling is the mostconvenient and fastestsamplingtechnique that makesuse of the telephone, mobilephones, or theinternet
Purposive sampling is usedinverysmallsamplesizes, e.g. deansofcertainuniversities or areamanagersofcertaininstitutions