AoS- Family studies

Cards (9)

  • Dennis and Erdos
    Fatherless children are less likely to be successfully socialised into the culture of discipline and compromise and so are less likely to be successful parents themselves - Studied 1000 children born in Newcastle in 1947, they exhibited a greater statistical chance of having poor physical health, low IQ scores and a criminal record if they were unfathered or ‘poorly fathered’
  • Parsons
    The function of the family is to socialise the young
  • Chapman
    Children are given gender stereotypical chores in the house to teach what is gender appropriate
  • Williams
    Parents buy their children gender stereotypical toys
  • Socialisation into gender roles and identities
    The process by which children learn the behaviours and attitudes considered appropriate for their gender
  • Ann Oakley- Ways children are socialised into gender roles by the family
    1. Manipulation
    2. Canalisation
    3. Verbal appellations
    4. Different activities
  • Ann Oakley- Manipulation
    Adults encouraging children to do things that are "normal" for their gender and discouraging behaviour that isn't the norm
  • Ann Oakley- Canalisation
    Parents channelling the child's interests into activities that are considered the norm for their gender
  • Ann Oakley-Different activities

    Parents or family members encourage children to involve themselves in different activities that are appropriate for gender