survival and response

Cards (9)

  • stimulus 
    detectable change in the internal or external environment
  • taxes
    directional movement in response to a stimulus
  • kinesis
    non-directional movement  (speed and rate) in response to the stimulus
  • tropism
    plants response to a stimulus
  • IAA
    indoleacetic acid - made in the tip of roots and shoots can control cell elongation or inhibit elongation.
  • phototropism (shoots)
    need light for LDR (photosynthesis) positive phototropism
    IAA produces in tips of shoots and diffuses to the shaded side of the shoot when there's light. causes cell elongation and plants to bend towards light
  • phototropism (roots)
    does not require light negative phototropism
    high conc of IAA in roots inhibits cell elongation 
    roots bend away from light source
  • gravitropism (shoots)
    IAA diffuses to the lower side of the shoot 
    causes cells to elongate and grow upwards 
    negative gravitropism
  • gravitropism (roots)
    IAA diffuses to the lower side of roots 
    causes it to bend downwards
    positive gravitropism