Psychodynamic approach is interractionst = between reductionist and holistic as it considers nature and nurture via innate drives and experiences
Behavioral approach is reductionist as it focuses on stimulus and response via conditioning or reinforcement eg skinners rats or pavlovs dogs = too simplistic and ignores other approaches
Cognitive approach is reductionist = machine reductionism = oversimplified to computer processing = humans are not the same as machines
Biological approach is reductionist as puts behaviour down to brain structure eg low serotonin means depression = too simplistic
Positive approach is holistic as it acknowledges a variety of factory’s like work age and gender and their impact on subjective well being
Psychodynamic approach doesn’t create an effective therapy = falk and hill = women in divorce = higher self esteem than control = no evidence helps disorders
Behavioural approach doesnt create an effective therapy = mc robbie = rapid smoking = no change after 4weeks be video condition = short term only
Cognitive approach creates an effective therapy = kulpers = 50% of 60 med resistant schizophrenics improved with cbt vs 31% without and 1 suicide
Biological approach creates an effective therapy = cole = 75% improved vs 25% with placebo = fast acting, effective and most common in the nhs
Positive approach creates effective therapy = Davidson = 8weekmindfulness = more antibodies to flue nah and more positive brain activity than control = help physical and mental health
Psychodynamic approach is deterministic = infant behavior controlled by id and adult by childhoodexperiences = implies nofree will as oral frustration = will be a smoker and aggressive
Behavioural approach are environmentally deterministic = for example banduras bobo dolls learnt aggression = avoids personal responsibility
Cognitive approach = soft determinism due to internal mental processes deciding behaviour but cbt helps you to choose another way = acknowledges both free will and external factors
Biological approach is deterministic = depression is due to lowserotonin or alcohol addiction can be due to ADH13 gene = no control over own mental health
Positive approach involve free will = seligman = happiness is not genes but due to our signaturestrengths and encourage responsibility
Psychodynamic approach is not scientific = Freud is unflasofiable = repression cant be proven or little hans (scared of horses because of fear of dad) = all subjective
Behavioural approach = scientific = lab experiment = Watson and Rayners used set stages = reliable and measurable
Cognitive approach is scientific = lab experiment = loftus and palmer = well respected as objective and measurable
Biological approach is scientific = scientific plainer via brain structure and neurotransmitters = raine used pet scans = objective and measurable
Positive approach is unscientific = difficult to objectively define happiness = myers and Reiner used questionnaires etc = Lowe internal validity as less respected