Cards (35)

  • The digestive system breakdown food to simple forms of molecules (digestion), small enough to absorbed and used by the cells of the body (absorption). unabsorbed substances are eliminated as stool(elimination).
  • saliva also helps moisten and lubricate the food which turn into bolus.
  • bolus is a mass of food that is easier to swallow.
  • the tongue and teeth work together to breakdown food mechanically.
  • canines are used for tearing
  • incisors for cuting
  • molars for grinding food
  • when the food has been chewed, the bolus is pushed by the tongue against the palate, forcing to move toward the pharynx and esophagus
  • as the food passes to the pharynx, the epiglottis is tipped backward, preventing the food's passage to the larynx.
  • the wavelike muscular contraction and relaxion of the esophagus which is call peristalsis
  • after passing through the esophagus (approximately 25 cm long) the mass of food reaches the stomach where protein digestion begins
  • where the food mixed with stomach secretions and converted into a semifluid acidic mixture called chyme
  • chemical digestions gastric juices on takes place in the when the stomach secretes its gastric juices
  • Fat digestion takes place in the stomach with the aid of lipase
  • lipase an enzyme that breaks down fats
  • the first of the small intestine called duodenum
  • in duodenum it is where the remaining carbohydrates and proteins broken down
  • the jejunum and ileum is the second and third part of the small intestine, respectively, perform the critical function of absorbing nutrients and transferring them to the circulating blood
  • the folded lining of the small intestine has many finger like extenstions called villi in singular villus
  • most of the cells composing the surface of vili have numerous projections resembling a fine brush called microvilli
  • the pancreas secretes a variety of digestive enzymes that break down carbohydrates into simple sugars.
  • pancreas also split proteins into amino acids and fats into fatty acids
  • the pancreas, an important accessory organ, produces bicarbonates that neutralize acidic enzymes for starch, proteins, and fats
  • because digestive enzymes cannot act efficiently on large fat globules, the liver secrets the bile a greenish fluid the emulsifies fats by breaking fat globules into smaller droplets
  • gallbladder is a green muscular sac that is attached to the liver
  • gallbladder stores the bile
  • it takes 18 to 24 hours for food to pass through large intestine
  • the large intestine absorbs water, secretes mucus, and eliminates undigested materials
  • alkaline mucus secretions in the large intestine protect epithelial tissues and they neutralize acids produced by action bacteria
  • the large intestine stores the feces until they eliminated by the process of defecation
  • endoscopy is a diagnostic procedure used to examine a patients digestive tract
  • marasmus is caused by combined protein and energy deficiency, which is commonly seen where adequate quantities of food are unavailable
  • kwashiorkor is caused by a deficiency of protein in the presence of adequate energy
  • vitamin a also know as retinol is naturally synthesized from plants
  • vitamin a deficiency cause blindness