Pyramidal in shape, located within the body of the maxilla behind the skin of the cheek, Roof formed by the floor of the orbit, Floor related to the roots of the premolars and molar teeth, Each maxillary sinus opens into the middle meatus of the nose through the hiatus semilunaris
Contained within the frontal bone, Separated from each other by a bony septum, Each sinus is roughly triangular, extending upward above the medial end of the eyebrow and backward into the medial part of the roof of the orbit, Each frontal sinus opens into the middle meatus of the nose through the infundibulum
Has anterior, middle, and posterior part contained within the ethmoid bone, between the nose and the orbit, Separated from the orbit by a thin plate of bone so that infection can readily spread from the sinuses into the orbit, Anterior sinuses open into the infundibulum, Middle sinuses open into the middle meatus, on or above the bulla ethmoidalis, Posterior sinuses open into the superior meatus
Forms the prominence of a cheek, contributes to the lateral orbital wall and floor, parts of the walls of temporal and infratemporal fossae and completes the zygomatic arch, Roughly quadrangular with anteromedial and frontal processes, Has three surfaces, five borders and three processes
AnterolateralSurface: Convex and pierced near its orbital border by the zygomaticofacial foramen, PosteromedialTemporalSurface: Has a rough anterior area for articulation with the maxilla and a smooth, concave posterior area extending up posteriorly on its frontal process as the anterior aspect of the temporal fossa, OrbitalSurface: Smooth and concave, is the anterolateral part of the orbital floor and adjoining lateral wall, extending up on the medial aspect of its frontal process
Involves the mandible which is the strongest bone of the face, Houses the lower teeth, Develops in 2 symmetrical halves which fuse and ossify in the first year of life