contrast between duncan (loyal & trusting king) vs Macbeth (cold & selfish)
divinerightofkings (context)
the idea that the king was chosen by God ( the Jacobean era was a very religious society)
the great chain of being (context)
A hierarchal/ ordered society where all people and nature were below the king and God was above everyone/everything
the evil supernatural force the witches held( Macbeth was unlikely to commit his deeds without the witchesinfluence)
Macbeth and Lady Macbethsvisions/hallucinations- the dagger/the sleepwalking washing off blood/seeing Banquos ghost- all symbols of guilt
good and evil
idea that evil was linked to gender- Lady M believes cruelty and aggresion is associated with masculinity which is why she asks spirits to 'unsex' her because her feminity holds her back from violent acts
good and evil
M is a good man who commits evil acts - at the beginning he was a noble an with potential for greatness but his goodness was overpowered by his zealotry/ ambition for power
shows how it can create selfish ruthless people when driven by ambition
macbeths biggest motivation for all of his evil acts
both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth destroyed by ambition