A list of instructions that does a specific task which can be written in l-l-l(Low-level-language)or h-l-l (High-level-language)
Method that uses Englishwords and mathematical notations to design the program steps
Diagram that designs the steps of a program by using a standard set of symbols joined by lines to show the direction of flow
Trace Table?
A table that's used to record the results of each step in an algorithm each time it changes
Named data store that contains a value that can changeduring the execution of a program
Named data store that contains a value that doesn't change during the execution of a program
Blocks of text in the pseudocode that aren't executedused to explain the code
What are the features of a maintainable program?
Use of comments <- To annotate each section of a program so that a programmer can find specific sections easily
Functions and procedures <- To make programs easier to update and adds functionality
Meaningful identifiers <- To enable easy tracking of a variable and to make the programmer easy recognize the purpose of a variable
Components after decomposition ?
Representing a program?
Structure diagrams
Development life-cycle
Sequential statements?
Statements executed one after another according to their order
Conditional statements?
Selective statements are executed depending on meeting certain criteria to allow different paths through a program
Case of
Iterative statements?
One or more statements are repeated till a test condition is met to repeat same code several times which allows for shorter code
Differences between While and repeat?
Criteria <- While: Pre-tested
<- Repeat: Post-tested
Running <- While: May never run
<- Repeat: must run at least once
Iterations <- While: Whilst a condition is TRUE
<- Repeat: till a condition is TRUE
A data structure that holds several elements of the same data type to store multiple values under the same identifier making the code shorter
1D array?
A list of items of the same data type stored under a single name with a single index to identify each element
2D arrays?
A table-like collection of items of the same data type , it has rows and columns stored under a single name with two indexes to identify each element
Top-Down design?
Breaking down of a computer system into a set of subsystems and then breaking each subsystem into set of smaller ones until each sub system performs a single action
Structure diagrams?
A diagram that shows the design of a computer system in a hierarchal way and to provide an overview of how a problem is broken down