Swmming is an individual or teamsports that uses arms and legs to move the body through water. It is also the act or the art of floating or moving progressively in the water by the hands and feet.
In GREECE and ROME swimming was part of martial training and was, with the alphabet, also part of elementary education for males
One of the earliest representations of swimming is an ancient Egyptian wall relief that shows soldiers of Pharaoh Ramses II. In pursuing their enemies by swimming across the Orontes River between ancient Egypt and Asia Minor.
In Europe, Swimming was less popular during the Middle Ages (5th to 15th Century) because of epidemic disease within the water
19th century European misconceptions about the dangers of swimming had been dispelled
1800 - competitive swimming started in United States and mostly performing breast stroke.
1837 - the first swimming organization took place mostly in London while by then had six indoors pools with diving boards.
1864 - Australia held a swim meet that highlighted the first swimming completion championship in the 440-yard race.
1869 - London founded the amateur swimming association which inspired many more swimming in Europe from 1882-1889.
Amateur swimming association
1896 - swimming was part of the first modern Olympics games in Athens. First modern Olympics games in Athens.
1902- Richmond Cavil introduced the front crawl to the western world.
Richmond Cavil
1908- the world swimming association Federation Internationale de amateur (AFINA) was formed.