gram-positive bacteria

Cards (31)

  • boil
    superficial infection where you get a collection of pus. s. aureus
  • treatment of boils?
    can drain by themselves or be encouraged with a warm moist compress. recurrent boils need antibiotic treatmet
  • folliculitis
    superficial skin infection involving the hair follicles
  • furuncles and carbuncles
    deeper infections usually preceded by folliculitis, spontaneous or surgical draining. s. aureus
  • haematogenous
    carried by the blood
  • how would you test for the presence of botulinum neurotoxin?
    ELISA, sera or stool samples
  • suppurative
    resulting in pus
  • nosocomial
    hospital acquired
  • vancomycin resistant enterococci
    problamatic HCAI, limited treatment options: linezolid
  • what is the treatment for a VRE infection?
  • cephalosporins
    for penicillin-resistant pneumococci, resistance common in listeria monocytogenes, used if allergy to penicillin
  • vancomycin
    used if beta-lactam anaphylaxis, used if resistnace to beta-lactam is suspected
  • agglutination
    clumping of molecules together
  • streptococci
    gram-positive cocci in long or short chains
  • what media must streptococci be grown on?
    blood agar
  • is streptococci catalase positive or negative?
  • strep. pyogenes diagnostic features?
    gram-pos cocci in chains or pairs, beta-haemolytic, group A
  • streptolysin function
    lyse RBC
  • streptokinase function?
    enzyme that promotes the breakdown of blood clots
  • when does scarlet fever occur?
    when a group A strep strain is lysogenised by a bacteriophage. it stimulates the production of pyrogenic toxin
  • clinical features of scarlet fever?
    pharyngitis and a rash
  • infections with strep. pyogenes can give rise to non-suppurative sequelae which cause?

    acute glomerulonephritis (deposits in the kindey) and acute rheumatic fever
  • rhumatic fever and glomerulonephritis are?
    post-streptococcal auto-immune complications
  • impetigo clinical features?
    golden crusted lesions, itchy
  • impetigo treatment?
    oral flucloxacillin
  • cellulitis clinical featues?

    blanching, swelling, pain, hot to touch
  • cellulitis treatment?

    IV flucloxacillin or IV clarithromycin
  • erysipelas clinical features?
    fever and chills, skin is raised and differentiated
  • erysipelas treatment?
    oral benzylpenicillin or cephalosporin
  • necrosting fascitis clinical features?
    blistering skin, discolouration, destruction of skin and subcutanious fat
  • necrotising fasciitis treatment?
    high dose of IV benzylpenicillin