Made in various places in the body, pathogens get trapped in the mucus and can then be removed from the body (by coughing, blowing the nose, swallowing etc)
Contains hydrochloric acid which is strong enough to kill any pathogens that have been caught in mucus in the airways and then swallowed or have been consumed in food or water
By phagocytosis - engulfing and digesting pathogenic cells
By producing antibodies - which clump pathogenic cells together so they can't move as easily (known as agglutination) and releasing chemicals that signal to other cells that they must be destroyed
Proteins made by lymphocytes that are complementary to an antigen and, when attached, clump them together and signal the cells they are on for destruction
This means that, in the case of reinfection by the same type of pathogen, antibodies can be made very quickly and in greater quantities; the pathogens are destroyed before they multiply and cause illness
If a large enough percentage of the population is vaccinated, it provides protection for the entire population because there are very few places for the pathogen to breed - it can only do so if it enters the body of an unvaccinated person