
Cards (26)

  • Depression: A mental disorder characterised by low mood and low energy levels
  • Behavioural: How we act
  • Emotional: How we feel
  • Cognitive: How we think
  • All forms of depression and depressive disorders are characterised by changes to the mood
  • What are the four categories of depression and depressive disorder recognised by the DSM?
    Major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder
  • What are the three behavioural characteristics of depression?
    Activity levels, disruptions to sleep and eating behaviour, aggression and self-harm
  • What are the three emotional characteristics of depression?
    Lowered mood, anger, lowed self-esteem
  • What are the three cognitive characteristics of depression?
    Poor concentration, attending to and dwelling on the negative, absolutist thinking
  • Activity levels
    People with depression have reduced energy, making them lethargic. In some cases this can lead to the opposite (psychomotor agitation) - agitated individuals struggle to relax
  • What knock-on effect does reduced energy levels have?
    People can tend to withdraw from work, education and social life
  • Disruption to sleep and eating behaviour
    A person may experience insomnia or hypersomnia. Appetite and eating may also increase or decrease - leading to weight gain or loss
  • What is insomnia?
    Reduced sleep
  • What is hypersomnia?
    An increased need for sleep
  • Aggression and self-harm
    People can become irritable and sometimes verbally/physically aggressive. Depression can also lead to physical aggression directed against the self, including self-harm
  • Lowered mood
    People with depression often describe themselves as 'worthless' and 'empty'
  • Anger
    People with depression often experience anger, which can be directed towards the self or others
  • Lowered self-esteem
    People with depression tend to report reduced self-esteem, which can be quite extreme - with some describing a sense of self-loathing
  • The cognitive aspect of depression is concerned with the ways in which people process information. Those with depression tend to process information about the world differently than the 'normal' person
  • Poor concentration
    The person may struggle to stick with a task, or may find it hard to make decisions - both things they'd normally find straightforward. Poor concentration and poor decision-making are likely to interfere with the individual's work
  • Attending to and dwelling on the negative
    When experiencing a depressive episode, people are more likely to pay attention to negative aspects of a situation and they also have a bias towards recalling unhappy events
  • Absolutist thinking
    Depressed people believe most situations are not all-good or all-bad; sometimes called 'black-and-white thinking'
  • What is Major depressive disorder?
    Severe but often short-term depression
  • What is persistent depressive disorder?
    Long-term or recurring depression, including sustained major depression
  • What is disruptive mood dysregulation disorder?
    Childhood temper tantrums
  • What is premenstrual dysphoric disorder?
    Disruption to mood prior to and/or during menstruation