A process which aims at improving the well being and self-realization of people living outside the urbanized areas through collective process (Agarwal, 1989)
A strategy designed to improve the economic and social life of rural poor (Agarwal, 1989)
Involves efforts that are economic and social in nature intended to encourage concepts of retention, growth, and expansion in areas outside cities, including improving quality of life for rural residents through such activity (Atkinson, 2017)
As a method, it seeks people's involvement in all programmes; as a process, it seeks to modernize, through the application of science and technology, the traditionally-oriented rural cultures; denotes overall development of rural areas with a view to improving the quality of life of the rural people (Sundaram, 2019)
Refers to a distinct approach to interventions by the state in the economies of underdeveloped countries, and one which is at once broader and more specific than 'agricultural development' (Stockridge, 2015)
A state-led activity and a focus for development policy; a broader process of change in rural societies, which may or may not involve state intervention (Harriss, 1982)