Some products, especially those made from paper, plastic, glass or metal, can be reused and recycled - this reduces waste in the environment and reduces the amounts of raw materials and energy needed to make new products
Some resources, such as forests and fish stocks, can be maintained - enabling us to harvest them sustainably so that they will not run out in the future
1. The need for local people to be able to utilise the resources they have in their immediate environment with the needs of large companies to make money from resources
2. The need for balancing the needs of humans for resources with the needs of the animals and plants that live in the areas the resources are taken from
3. The need to balance what current populations need with what future populations might need
1. Replanting similar trees when mature trees are cut
2. Introducing schemes to monitor logging companies and track the wood produced
3. Education to ensure logging companies are aware of sustainable practices and consumers are aware of the importance of buying products made from sustainable sources
Endangered species are at risk of becoming extinct due to reasons such as hunting, climate change, pollution, loss of habitat, and introduction of non-native species
A species may be at risk of becoming extinct if there is not enough genetic variation in the population, as random changes in the environment may quickly cause extinction because the remaining organisms are all very similar and may not have the adaptations to survive such changes
If a species' population size decreases, it will experience reduced genetic variation, rendering the species more susceptible to environmental change and at greater risk of extinction