labored respirations (especially in small children) is indictive of hypoxia
pursed lip breathing
not normal, usually an exercise or technique
pursed lip breathing
may be seen in asthma, emphysema, or CHF as a physiologic response to help slow down expiration and keep alveoli open longer
Ruddy to purple complexion may be seen in clients with?
COPD or CHF as a result of polycythemia
excess of red blood cells
may be seen if client is cold or hypoxic
in white skin, this appear BLUE-TINGED, especially in the perioral, nailbed, and conjunctival area
in dark skin, this appears blue, dull, and lifeless in same areas
in dark skin, this may be yellowish
capillary refill
the return (refill) of blood into the capillaries of the skin; normal capillary refill time is two seconds or less
pale or cyanotic nails
this occur from hypoxia, no perfusion of nail beds within 3 secs
early clubbing
180-degree angle, usual in smokers
late clubbing
Greater than 180 degree angle can occur from hypoxia
clubbing of nail
if there is no diamond shape formed by pointing two fingernails in front of each other
lateral deviation of the spine in the thoracic area
respiratory implications
spinal configurations may have ____
excessive outward curvature of the spine, causing hunching of the back, common in older clients
sway or lean backwards, usual in pregnancy
A barrel chest should make you think of what diagnosis?
emphysema, due to hyperinflation of the lungs
barrel chest
a condition characterized by increased anterior-posterior chest diameter caused by increased functional residual capacity due to air trapping from small airway collapse. A barrel chest is frequently seen in patients with chronic obstructive diseases, such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
barrel chest
ribs appearing horizontal at an angle greater than 45 degrees, result of an increased ratio between the antero-posterior transverse diameter
trapesiuz, diaphragm, intercostal, or shoulder muscles
muscles that are used to facilitate inspiration in cases of acute and chronic airway obstruction
tripod position
when the client lean forward and uses arms to support weight and lift chest to increase breathing capacity
tripod position
this is seen in COPD, where clients have comfortable breathing in this position
tender or painful areas
inflamed fibrous connective tissue
pain over the intercostal spaces
inflamed pleurae
pain over the ribs(costal chondral junctions)
symptom of fractured ribs
flail chest
paradoxical, not equal expansion of lungs due to fracture in ribs
muscle soreness
from exercise or excessive work of breathing (as in COPD) may be palpated as tenderness
increased warmth in some area
it may be related to local infection or inflammation
this can be palpated if air escapes from the lungs or other airways into the subcutaneous tissue as occurs after an open thoracic injury, around a chest tube or tracheostomy
it may also be palpated in areas of extreme congestion or consolidation
mark margins and monitor
in such situations of crepitus, it is important to _____ and _____ to note any decrease or increase in the crepitant area
a.k.a subcutaneous emphysema
a crackling sensation (like bones or hairs rubbing against each other) that occurs when air passes through fluid or exudate
trachial deviation
a shifting of the trachea to either side of the midline of the neck caused by the buildup of pressure inside the chest (tension pneumothorax)
unequal fremitus
it is usually the result of consolidation(increases fremitus) or bronchial obstruction, air trapping in emphysema, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax(which all decreases fremitus)
this increases fremitus
bronchial obstruction, air trapping in emphysema, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax
these all decreases fremitus
a palpable vibration from the spoken voice felt over the chest wall, it must be equal