While swinging round one of the __ on which the plots of novels were "roughed in"
Folded into a square - the girl (Julia) slipped to Winston's hand
Possibilities of what was written in the paper
She is a member of the thoughtpolice, might be a threat, a summon, to commit suicide, a trap of some description
She is a member of some kind of underground organization. Perhaps the Brotherhood
As he murmured his figures into the __ - a device
He had hoped to be alone for a little while during the lunch hour. But Parsons flopped down beside him
He kept up a stream of talk about the preparations for Hate Week. He was particularly enthusiastic about a papier-mache model of Big Brother's Head, which was being made by his daughter's troop of Spies
Falsifying a series of production reports of two years ago
In such a way as to cast discredit on a prominent party member
For more than 2 hours he succeeded in shutting the girl out of his mind altogether
Tonight was one of his nights at the community Centre
At the community Centre
1. Took part in a "discussion group"
2. Played two games of Table tennis
3. Swallowed several glasses of gin
4. Sat half an hour through a lecture called "Ingsoc in relation to Chess"
It was not until 23 hours when he was home in bed
Winston feared that Julia would change her mind
If he did not get in touch quickly
Winston's choices to meet Julia
If she had worked in the Records Department it would've been simple, he had only a very dim idea of the whereabouts of the Fiction Department
Following her at home was not safe, because it would mean loitering outside the Ministry
Letters through the mails were out of the question. All letters were opened by transit
He decided on meeting in the canteen
A week after this she did not appear in the canteen. Until he was leaving it
A day after, she was with three other girls and under a telescreen
Then for 3 days she did not appear at all
Winston feared
She was vaporized, suicide, transferred in other ends of Oceania, or worse and most likeliest, changed her mind
Next day she reappeared, alone
A man was yapping about him not receiving his tablet of saccharine (proles alternative for sugar)
A voice called him, Smith!. A blonde headed, silly-faced young man named Wilsher was inviting him to a vacant seat at his table
Next day, She appeared alone again
A small man, who was after him in the queue, was making straight for the girl's table
The man fell with his soup and coffee, initially blaming and glaring at Winston
Winston sat with the girl
Ampleforth - the hairy-eared poet, wandering limply round the room with a tray. Ampleforth was attached to him, and would certainly sit down at his table if he saw him
Both were eating steadily - a soup, haricot beans
Julia leaves work
Eighteen thirty 18:30
Let's meet at Victory Square, near the monument
Nineteen hours 19:00 lets meet
In victory square, A statue of big brother gazing towards the skies where he had vanquished Eurasian aeroplanes in the battle of Airstrip 1 (a few years ago)
In the street in front of it was a statue of a man on horseback which was suppose to represent Oliver Cromwell
A convoy of eurasian prisoners was passing
Sunday Afternoon off go to Paddington station at about fifteen 15:00