function: transport water from roots to leaves for photosynthesis
dead at maturity
alternate arrangement
sudan 4
stains oil
Catkin - a spike with a long and pendulous axis; bears unisexual flowers only. (Ex. Buntot ngpusa (Acalyphahispida)
Raceme - elongated axis; bears a number of flowers which are all stalked, the lowerflowershavinglongerstalks than the upper (Ex.
Cassia, Caesalpinia,Aloe)
Berry - a fruit formed from a compound ovary with few to many seeds. The entire pericarp is fleshy (Ex. Grape,tomato,kiwi and lansones)
Pepo - a type of fleshy fruit with a thick, hardrind. (Examples: cucumber,watermelon and squash
Pome - a fruit formed from a compound ovary inwhich the receptacle becomes thick and fleshy. The endocarp around the seeds is papery and leathery. (Examples: apple and pear)
Hesperidium - a berry-like fruit covered with a thick, leathery skin containing oil and locules filled with fleshy outgrowths containing juice. (Examples: all citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, and lime)
Drupe - a simple fleshy fruit with a single seed enclosed by a hard, stony endocarp. It usually develops from a superior ovary containing a single ovule. (Examples : coconut, almond, mango, sineguelas)