
Cards (4)

  • Results of the hungarian uprising?
    • US and Britain condemned (didn't approve of) the attack
    • Sent a message to the other Warsaw Pact countries
    • 7,000 soviets were killed
    • Soviets remained in control of Hungary
    • 200,000 Hungarians fled to Austria
    • 20,000 Hungarians died
  • Why did Khrushchev invade Hungary?
    • He needed to assert his dominance
    • If Hungary left the Warsaw Pact other countries could follow
    • They would lose a part of the buffer zone
    • It was a rejection of communist rule
  • Reasons for the Hungarian Uprising?
    • They had no freedom of press, religion and speech
    • The government was becoming communist
    • Soviet troops were placed in Hungary, draining the economy
    • Rakosi refused all trade with the west
    • Living standards were lowered
    • Many people were being arrested and killed
  • What are Nagy's reforms?

    • Free elections
    • An impartial legal system
    • The total withdrawal of the Soviet army from Hungary
    • Farmers allowed private ownership of land
    • Hungary to leave Warsaw Pact
    • Hungary to declare neutrality in the Cold War