
Cards (24)

  • Which sociologists argued that there are 4 functions of the family, educational, economical, reproductive and sexual?
  • Who argues that the functions of the family change overtime, but that there are 2 irreducible functions, primary socialisation and stabilisation of adult personalities?
  • Who coined the terms expressive and instrumental roles?
  • Who argued that the emergence of the monogamous nuclear family came with capitalism?
  • Who argued that the nuclear family transmits capitalist ideology to children?
  • Who argued that the nuclear family is a unit of consumption?
  • Who said that the family is a patriarchal institution in which they are expected to endure unpaid services?
    Delphy & Leonard
  • Who said that domestic violence is a product of mens’ misdirected anger at a capitalist society?
  • Who is in favour of political lesbianism and said that the family is patriarchal and preserves the power men have over women?
  • Who said that housework has been commercialised?
  • Who said that the family was the key institution of patriarchy and the main source of oppression for women?
    Dobash & Dobash
  • Who coined the term “Triple Shift”?
    Duncombe & Marsden
  • Who said that women had more decisive power when it came to matters concerning housework and childcare?
  • Who suggested the 2 systems of “Allowance System” and “Pooling”?
  • Who said that there will always be disparity in decisive power for as long as the glass ceiling to female promotion and unequal pay exist?
  • Who said that lesbian couples had more of an equal partnership in both the private and public spheres?
  • Who said that same-sex couples created more symmetrical families than heterosexual couples?
  • Who said that women in low-income families often neglected their own needs to make ends meet?
  • Who said that the division of labour is determined by patriarchal norms and values that shape gender roles?
    Crompton & Lyonette
  • Who found that couples who had more equal relationships shared housework equally?
  • Who found that young men do more domestic work now than they did in the past?
    Man Yee Kan
  • Who found that when the woman is the full-time bread-winner, men do as much domestic labour as she does?
  • Who said that working full-time rather than part-time makes a big difference in how much housework each partner does?
  • Who found that m/c families are more likely to afford labour-saving appliances and childcare?
    Arber & Ginn