Service is an act or performanceoffered by oneparty to another.
Service are economicactivities that createvalue and providebenefits for customers at specific times and places, as a result of bringing about a desired change in - or on behalf of - the receipt of the service.
Wealth of Nation1776 states "Only physical goods could be owned, acquired, and transfer title to one owner to another with some value of the exchange same money or barter but never a service no matter how noble the latter is."
Five broad categories: Labor, skills and expertiserentals, rented goods services, definedspace and facilityrentals, access to sharedfacilities, and access to and use of networks and systems
Labor, skills and expertise rentals - people are hired to perform work that customers either cannot or choosenottodo themselves
Rented goods services - to obtainexclusivetemporaryright to use a physical object that the prefer not to own
Definedspaceandfacilityrentals - obtain the use of a certainportion of a larger facility
Accesstosharedfacilities - the right to share the use of a facility
Accesstoanduseofnetworksandsystems - rent the right to participate in a specified network
Most new jobs are generated by service
Services dominate the globaleconomy
The knowledge gain from studying service marketing may create a competitive advantage for your owncareer, and even encourage you to think about starting your ownservicebusiness