Internal rhythms that last about a day (e.g., wakefulness and sleepiness)
Circadian rhythm
Self-generated duration of about 24 hours
Affects mood, body temperature, eating, drinking, urination, hormone secretion, sensitivity to drugs, and other variables
Stimulus that is necessary for resetting the circadian rhythm
Jet lag
Disruption of biological rhythms due to crossing time zones
What happens to circadian rhythms when travelling west - staying awake late and awakening partly adjusted to new schedule
What happens to circadian rhythms when travelling east - sleeping and awakening earlier than usual
Repeated adjustments of circadian rhythm can increase cortisol levels, which can damage the hippocampus and cause memory loss
Night shift workers
Often have difficulty adjusting to wake/sleep cycle, feel groggy, don't sleep well during the day, body temperature peaks when sleeping instead of working
Larks and owls
People with natural circadian rhythms that predispose them to be early risers or evening people
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)
Nucleus in hypothalamus that controls sleep and temperature rhythms, generates circadian impulses
Genetic mutation in hamsters causes SCN to generate 20-hour circadian rhythm, which persists when transplanted to other hamsters
Retinohypothalamic path
Extends from retina to SCN, resets SCN
Melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cells
Respond to slow changes in overall light duration, allow blind people to entrain to sunlight patterns
Period (per) and timeless (tim) genes
Regulate circadian rhythms in flies by coding for PER and TIM proteins, which inhibit their own production
Hormone released by pineal gland, increases sleepiness, stimulates receptors in SCN to reset biological clock
Brain-produced state characterized by decreased response to stimuli
Interruptions of consciousness
Vegetative state
Minimally conscious state
Brain death
Electroencephalograph (EEG)
Records gross electrical potentials in brain through scalp electrodes
Combination of EEG and eye-movement records
Alpha waves
Frequency of 8-12 Hz, typical of relaxed consciousness
Stage 1 sleep
Light sleep with irregular, jagged, low-voltage brain waves
Stage 2 sleep
Characterized by sleep spindles and K-complexes
Stages 3 and 4 (slow-wave sleep)
Characterized by slow, large-amplitude brain waves
Paradoxical/REM sleep
Brain is very active but muscles are completely relaxed, associated with dreaming
Non-REM (NREM) sleep
Stages of sleep other than REM
Sleep cycle
Stage 1 -> Stage 2 -> Stages 3 and 4 -> REM, repeating in 90-minute cycles
Early in the night, stages 3 and 4 predominate, but toward morning, stage 4 grows shorter and REM grows longer
Reticular formation
Structure extending from medulla to forebrain, lesions decrease arousal
Part of reticular formation that contributes to cortical arousal, stimulation can awaken or increase alertness
Locus coeruleus
Structure in pons that emits norepinephrine impulses in response to meaningful events, important for storing information, usually silent during sleep
Stimulates arousal by releasing histamine, which has excitatory effects, antihistamines cause drowsiness
Lateral nucleus of hypothalamus
Releases peptide orexin, which promotes wakefulness
Reticular formation
A structure that extends from the medulla into the forebrain
Lesions through the reticular formation decrease arousal
A part of the reticular formation that contributes to cortical arousal
Stimulation of the pontomesencephalon awakens a sleeping individual or increases alertness in someone already awake
Locus coeruleus
A structure in the pons that is inactive at most times but emits impulses, releasing norepinephrine, in response to meaningful events
The locus coeruleus is also important for storing information
The locus coeruleus is usually silent during sleep
Certain areas stimulate arousal by releasing the neurotransmitter histamine, which produces excitatory effects throughout the brain
Antihistamine drugs produce drowsiness if they cross the blood-brain barrier
A different group of axons release the peptide neurotransmitter orexin (also called hypocretin)
Orexin is necessary for staying awake
Basal forebrain
Some of the axons release GABA and are essential for sleep
These neurons receive input from the anterior and preoptic areas of the hypothalamus
Another set of axons release acetylcholine
During sleep, body temperature and metabolic rate decrease slightly
Depends on GABA-mediated inhibition
While spontaneously active neurons continue to fire at a normal rate, we are unconscious because GABA inhibits synaptic activity