Module 8

Cards (9)

  • Marketing
    A business activity that aims to build value for the customers and manage customer relationships in order for a company to gain value in return
  • Marketing
    • Showcase the best features of the product in the most creative and convincing way
  • Advertisement Standards Council
  • Product Safety and Liability
    Business organizations have an ethical responsibility to design, manufacture and promote their products in ways that do not cause harm to consumers
  • Caveat Emptor Approach

    Assumes that consumers have the responsibility to look out for their own interests and protect their own safety when buying a product
  • Warranty
    Assurance that the company will be held liable for product damage or failure for a certain period of time
  • Tort Standards or the quasi-delict
    1. An unlawful act or omission amounting to a fault or negligence, imputable to the defendant
    2. Damage or injury to the plaintiff
    3. Such damage or injury being the natural and probable, or direct and immediate consequence of the defendant's wrongful act or omission
    4. There being no pre existing contractual relation between the plaintiff and the defendant
  • Advertising
    An important tool in marketing that is used to introduce
  • Ethical Issues in Advertising