Cards (34)

  • Global Warming
    Increasing average air and ocean temperatures, attributed largely to human industrial, forestry, and agricultural activities emitting greenhouse gasses
  • Climate change
    Nontransient altering of underlying climate, such as increased average temperature, decreased annual precipitation, or greater average intensity of droughts or storms
  • Environmental accounting
    The incorporation of environmental benefits and costs into the quantitative analysis of economic activities
  • Environmental capital
    The portion of a country's overall capital assets that directly relate to the Environment—for example, forests, soil quality, and ground water
  • Sustainable development
    A pattern of development that permits future generations to live at least as well as the current generation, generally requiring at least a minimum environmental protection
  • Sustainable net national income (NNI*)
    An environmental accounting measure of the total annual income that can be consumed without diminishing the overall capital assets of a nation (including environmental capital)
  • Environmental Kuznets curve
    A graph reflecting the concept that pollution and other environmental degradation first rises and then falls with increases in income per capita
  • Biomass fuels
    Any combustible organic matter that may be used as fuel, such as firewood, dung, or agricultural residues
  • Desertification
    The transformation of a region into dry, barren land with little or no capacity to sustain life without an artificial source of water
  • Soil erosion
    Loss of valuable topsoils resulting from overuse of farmland, and deforestation and consequent flooding of farmland
  • Deforestation
    The clearing of forested land either for agricultural purposes or for logging and for use as firewood
  • Total net benefit
    The sum of net benefits to all consumers
  • Marginal cost
    The addition to total cost incurred by the producer as a result of increasing output by one more unit
  • Producer surplus
    Excess of what a producer of a good receives and the minimum amount the producer would be willing to accept because of a positive-sloping marginal cost curve
  • Consumer surplus
    Excess utility over price derived by consumers because of a negative-sloping demand curve
  • Scarcity rent
    The premium or additional rent charged for the use of a resource or good that is in fixed or limited supply
  • Present value
    The discounted value at the present time of a sum of money to be received in the future
  • Marginal net benefit
    The benefit derived from the last unit of a good minus its cost
  • Property rights
    The acknowledged right to use and benefit from a tangible (e.g., land) or intangible (e.g., intellectual) entity that may include owning, using, deriving income from, selling, and disposing
  • Common property resource
    A resource that is collectively or publicly owned and allocated under a system of unrestricted access, or as self-regulated by users
  • Externality
    Any benefit or cost borne by an individual economic unit that is a direct consequence of another's behavior
  • Internalization
    The process whereby external environmental or other costs are borne by the producers or consumers who generate them, usually through the imposition of pollution or consumption taxes
  • Public good
    An entity that provides benefits to all individuals simultaneously and whose enjoyment by one person in no way diminishes that of another
  • Public bad
    An entity that imposes costs on groups of individuals simultaneously
  • Free-rider problem
    The situation in which people can secure benefits that someone else pays for
  • Clean technologies
    Technologies that by design produce less pollution and waste and use resources more efficiently
  • Private costs
    The direct monetary outlays or costs of an individual economic unit
  • Pollution tax
    A tax levied on the quantity of pollutants released into the physical environment
  • Social cost
    The full cost of an economic decision, whether private or public, to society as a whole
  • Absorptive capacity
    The capacity of an ecosystem to assimilate potential pollutants
  • Greenhouse gasses
    Gasses that trap heat within the earth's atmosphere and can thus contribute to global warming
  • Biodiversity
    The variety of life forms within an ecosystem
  • Global public good
    A public good, whose benefits reach across national borders and population groups
  • Debt-for-nature swap
    The exchange of foreign debt held by an organization for a larger quantity of domestic debt that is used to finance the preservation of a natural resource or environment in the debtor country