
Cards (16)

  • Pysch Being Investigated
    doodling affects concentration: demand on cognition by dividing attention
    -raises arousal enhancing attention if practiced
    -reduces daydreaming

    working memory model: 2 used at same time, visuo-spatial, auditory 'control executive'
    -primary: listening (auditory mem)
    -concurrent: visual (doodling)
  • Background
    expectation: concurrent task (doodling) interfere less w overall process; impact on attention/recall
    -aid attention
    -prevent lvls arousal dipping
  • Aim
    does doodling assist information process?
    -help par accurately monitor a mock telephone message
    -increase depth processed message, improve recall
  • Research Method
    laboratory exp
    design: independent measures (control/doodling group)
  • Sample
    40 meb par panel UK Med Research Council
    -gen pop 18-55yrs, paid
    20 each group
    -18f, 2m control; 17f 3m doodling
    joined after unrelated experience to enhance boredom
  • Procedure
    response sheet for both
    -control: lined paper (could doodle, none)
    -doodle: A4 printed paper shapes on left w/ wide margin for response
    -shade w pencil, no worry neatness
  • Monotonous Telephone Features
    2.5 mins, 227wpm
    8 names attending: Jane, William, Claire, Suzie, Jenny, Tony/Phil
    3 people not attending: Craig, John, Nicky, +cat Ben
    8 place names: London, Harlow, Peterborough
  • Independent Variable
    doodle/not group
    -told beforehand tested on names attending (not ones who wont) MONITORING task
    -unexpected: names of places RECALL TASK
    -order of tests counterbalanced
  • Dependent Variable
    -operationalize: plausible mishearing's Greg for Craig, counted as correct
    -other names, not party goers (John) false alarms + new names generated
    • other words (sister) ignored
  • Procedure: Mem
    Final Mem score: monitored info (names), incidental info (places)
    correct names/places - false alarms

    -standardized instructions: pretend list, dull msg, don't remember, just write names people coming, ignore those who cant, do not write anything else

    collected response, apology for misleading about memory test
    -comp surprise memory test recall place/people
    -debriefed asked if suspected memory test
  • Results
    mean # shaded shapes: 36.3, range of 3-110
    -no par in control doodled spont
    3 doodlers, 4 controls susp mem test (dem char)
    -none actively tried to remember
  • Results: #
    Cg: mean of 7.1/8 party goers, 5 people made false alarm
    Eg: mean 7.8/8 party goers, 1 false alarm
    -doodle par recalled 7.5 names and places 29% more than mean 5.8 control group
    -recall monitored/incidental info better for doodlers
  • Conclusion
    doodling helps concentrate on primary task
    -eg (doodling as concurrent task perf better)

    doodlers noticed more target words, effect on attention (inc arousal, reducing daydreaming)
    -maintain attention prim task

    doodling improve memory directly w deeper info proc
    -no measure of daydreaming dif distinguish
    -*could have used self-reports/brain scan
  • Strengths
    lab exp using indep measures: limited uncontrolled var
    -volume list comf, rec telephone msg words same way

    standardized: equally bored, more likely to daydream
    -monotony, dull, quiet room, expected to go home

    more valid: dif in conditions, replicable par sim bored
    -operationalized: doodling sheets, increased validity, par doodle naturalistic way
  • Weaknesses
    -risk par variables, # shapes diferred

    -not rep of children sample of 18-55yrs adults
    -all memb part of recruitment panel, interest in psych, BIAS lower validity
    -risk dem char (didnt actively try to remb) but equal par susp mem test

    ONLY quantitative data:
    -objective, qualitative data such as self rep on daydreaming could have been explored
  • Ethics
    unable to give fully informed consent
    -unexpected test on place names

    -could make distressed unable to remember (protection from harm)
    -did debrief about deception