Cards (324)

  • Board of Midwifery
    An administrative body created by the government to regulate, define, and limit the practice of Midwifery in the country
  • Board of Midwifery
    • Vested with the responsibility of conducting board examinations to determine those persons qualified to practice midwifery in the Philippines
  • The Board of Midwifery was originally named Board of Examiners for midwives by the old Professional Regulation Commission

  • The First Board Examiners were appointed by the President
    August 5, 1960
  • First Board Examiners
    • Chairman: Dr. Valeriano C. Fugoso Jr.
    • Member: Mrs. Vicenta Castro-Ponce
    • Member: Miss Angelina Ponce
  • Current Midwifery board member
    • Chairman: Dr. Alejandro San Pedro
    • Chairman and 4 members
  • Composition of the Board
    • 3 registered midwives
    • 1 nurse-midwife
  • Qualification of the Board Chairman
    • Registered obstetrician
    • At least 10 years of practice before appointment
    • Citizen and resident of the Philippines
    • Good moral character
    • At least 30 years old
  • Qualification of Board members
    • Citizen and resident of the Philippines
    • Good moral character
    • At least 30 years old
    • Not be a member of a faculty of any school, college or university where regular course in midwifery is taught, and shall not have any pecuniary interest directly or indirectly in such during their term of office
  • Qualification of the 3 Board members
    • Registered midwives
    • Degree holders preferably in the field of health and social sciences
    • At least 10 years of midwifery practice, five years of which in supervisory position
    • Citizen and resident of the Philippines
    • At least 30 years old
  • Qualification of the 1 Board member
    • Nurse-midwife
  • Selection of candidates for the Board
    1. Submission to the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) of:
    2. List of registered midwives and nurse-midwives by the duly accredited association of midwives in the Philippines
    3. List of obstetricians by the duly accredited association of obstetrics
  • Selection of qualified candidates and recommendation to the President of the Philippines
    1. By the Commissioner of the PRC of:
    2. Three registered midwives
    3. One obstetrician
    4. One nurse-midwife from the list submitted by the associations
  • Appointment by the President of the Philippines
    Of the recommendees of the Commissioner of PRC
  • Regular appointment
    When a board member has been chosen by the President from the list submitted by the accredited associations of midwives, nurses and obstetricians to fill the position for the entire term of office stated by law
  • Ad Interim Appointment
    When a board member has been appointed to fill a vacancy during the absence of a regular member. The term of office may be until the end of regular term of office of the absent member or until the said member is able to perform his/her duties once again.
  • Hold-Over Doctrine
    In the absence of a law to the contrary, an official is entitled to hold his office after his term of office has expired until his successor is appointed or chosen and qualified.
  • Term of office
    The period of time by which an officer may claim to hold the office as prescribed by law or the fixed period of time an official is expected to hold his position
  • Tenure
    The period of time during which the official actually held the office or occupied the position
  • Duties and functions of the Board of Midwifery according to the Midwifery Law (RA7392)
    • To enforce the provision of the midwifery Act
    • To administer oaths in accordance with the provisions of the midwifery Act
    • To issue and after due investigation, suspend or revoke certificates of registration for the practice of midwifery
    • To investigate any violation of this Act or of the rules and regulations issued thereunder as may come to the knowledge of this Board, and for this purpose to issue subpoena and subpoena ducestecum to alleged violators ol witnesses to secure their attendance in investigations or hearings, and the production of books, papers anc documents in connection therewith and compel their attendance by the power of contempt
    • To conduct yearly board examinations to midwifery examinees under the supervision of the Commission
    • To look from time to time into the conditions affecting the practice of midwifery in the Philippines and adopt such measure as may be deemed necessary for the maintenance of the standards and ethics of the profession
    • To adopt an official seal to authenticate its official documents
  • The Bone Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN) is a collaborative network of institutions dedicated to advancing bone marrow transplant research through clinical trials.
  • BOC is an acronym that stands for Board of Certification, which was established by the American Society of Anesthesia Technicians and Technologists (ASATT) to certify individuals who meet certain standards as anesthesia technicians.
  • Grounds for Removal of Board Members
    • Neglect of duty
    • Incompetence
    • Unprofessional Conduct
    • Dishonorable conduct
  • Neglect of duty
    Neglect or failure on the part of an officer to do and perform some duty or duties laid him a such officer by virtue of his office or required of him by law to be consideration of duty, neglect must b prolonged or continuous
  • Incompetence
    Incapacity, inability or lack of qualifications or fitness to discharge the required duty dutiesIncident to the employment
  • Unprofessional Conduct

    Conduct or behavior which violates the codes of ethics of midwives or conduct which i unbecoming a member of a profession In good standing they are behaviors or conduct considered grossi unprofessional because they are immoral and dishonorable
  • Dishonorable conduct
    Acts, conducts or behaviors that would bring shame to the person
  • Preventive suspension
    May be imposed to a Board member facing administrative charges for up to 60days pending ar investigating if the charges against him involves dishonesty, oppression, grave misconduct, or neglect in the performana of duty, or if there are reasons to believe that the Board member in question is guilty of the charge against him/her whicl would warrant his removal from service
  • Different Powers of the Board
    • Discretionary Power
    • Ministerial power
    • Quasi -Legislative
    • Quasi -Judicial Power
  • Discretionary Power
    The duty or power is discretionary when the public officer is given the right to exercise hi judgment or discretion of what course of actions shall be pursued, how and when the duty shall be done. The reviser administrative code requires that the discretionary power of administrative officers or bodies should be exercised for thi good of the service and benefits of the public
  • Discretionary Power
    • Preparation of examination papers and revocation of license
  • Ministerial power
    The duty is ministerial the public officer performs it in a prescribe manner or in a given state of facts or in obedience to the mandate of a legal authority without regard to the exercise of his judgment or discretion
  • Ministerial power

    • Administering oaths
  • Quasi -Legislative
    The power of promulgating rules and regulations concerning subjects within its jurisdiction, such rule: and regulations should be in harmony with the provisions of the midwifery Act
  • Quasi -Legislative
    • Rules and regulations promulgated by the Board and approved by PRC to carry out the provisions o midwifery Act
  • Quasi -Judicial Power
    The duty is quasi- judicial when the board conduct hearings, investigate facts or ascertain the existences of facts and draw conclusions from them as basis of their official action
  • Quasi -Judicial Power

    • When the Board conducts investigation and hearings concerning a complaint against a midwife fo immoral and dishonorable conduct
  • Subpoena
    An order requiring a person to act as a witness or testify in court
  • Subpoena ducestecum
    An order requiring a person to bring something before the court and need be, to testify about it
  • Quorum
    During a meeting of the Board when majority of its members that is fifty percent plus one of the total numbers of its members has attended the meeting