A complex articulation of the movable mandible and the base of the skull
Articulation areas of TMJ
Between maxillary and mandibular teeth (interjaw dental occlusion)
Between the mandibularcondyle and the mandibularfossa of the temporal bone
Bones involved in TMJ
Condylarprocess or mandibular condyle
Mandibularfossa of the temporal bone
Articulareminence of the temporal bone
Components of TMJ
Articular or FibrousCapsule
Temporo-mandibular (lateral) Ligament
Articular or Fibrous Capsule
Encloses the joint surfaces like a sleeve that runs from the temporal bone superiorly, to the condyle of the mandible inferiorly
Temporo-mandibular (Lateral) Ligament
A lateral thickening of the joint capsule that prevents posterior and inferior displacement of the condyle but allows limited anterior movements
Articular Disc
A biconcave disc that provides reciprocal articular surfaces between its inferior surface and the condyle, and its superior surface and the mandibular fossa and eminence
Zones of the Articular Disc
Posterior thickening
Anterior thickening
Joint Cavity
The disc effectively divides the joint cavity into two distinct upper and lower compartments that allow two types of joint movements
Accessory Ligaments of TMJ
Sphenomandibular ligament
Stylomandibular ligament
Synovial Membrane
A layer of synovium lines the inner aspects of the joint capsule and secretes synovial fluids for lubrication and nourishment