commonality ICS

Cards (30)

  • he was making 

    the same internal argument and the same internal concession
  • "he was making the same internal argument and the same internal concession"
    • analysis
    • links to themes
    • story
    analysis - repetition emphasizes the conflict and argument will never end between them. Also shows his inner conflict.
    links to themes - isolation, conflict
    story - mother and son
  • His loneliness 

    closed round him as if he were on a boat in the limitless ocean
  • "his loneliness closed round him as if he were on a boat in the limitless ocean"
    • analysis
    • links to themes
    • story 

    analysis - simile emphasizes his loneliness and the remoteness of his existence. The isolation takes away his courage and anger. Just as an ocean is deep and vasts, so too is the loneliness consuming all of him
    links to themes - isolation, rural life
    story - mother and son
  • he cursed
    vindictively and helpessly
  • "he cursed vindictively and helplessly"
    • analysis
    • links to themes
    • story 

    analysis - word choice of 'helpless' shows how little power he has in the relationship
    links to themes - isolation, relationships, conflict
    story - mother and son
  • she enjoyed
    pricking him with subtle arrows
  • "she enjoyed pricking him with subtle arrows"
    • analysis
    • links to themes
    • story
    analysis - imagery of arrows shows the aggressive and violent elements of the relationship, shows how controlling and vindictive the mother is.
    links to themes - conflict, relationships, isolation
  • for the thin
    woman's son was a sub-lieutenant in the navy while the fat woman's son was only an ordinary sea man
  • "for the thin woman's son was sub-lieutenant in the navy while the fat woman's son was only an ordinary sea man"
    • analysis
    • links to themes
    • story
    analysis - the fat woman believes the thin woman thinks her son is a better man that the fat 'son because the thin woman's son has a high ranking in the navy and went to university
    links to themes - conflict, relationships, social status
    story - the telegram
  • the two 

    women-one fat and one thin
  • "the two women-one fat and one thin"
    • analysis
    • links to themes
    • story 

    analysis - when we are introduced to the two women we establish conflict straight away, the differences between them are apparent immediately establishing conflict
    links to themes - relationships, conflict
    story - the telegram
  • thinking that 

    the fat woman was very stupid
  • "thinking that the fat woman was very stupid"
    • analysis
    • links to themes
    • story 

    analysis - The thin woman thinks that she is superior to the fat woman because she has sacrificed everything and is living on a widows pension, which shows the thin woman's attitude towards the fat woman
    links to theme - relationships, conflict
    story - the telegram
  • the thin woman was 

    not popular in the village...only been in this one for thirty years or so
  • "the thin woman was not popular in the village...only been in this one for thirty years or so"
    • analysis
    • links to themes
    • story
    analysis - even though the thin woman has lived in the village over over a decade she is still seen as a new comer to the villagers that have lived their there whole lives
    links to themes - relationships, conflict, social status, isolation
    story - the telegram
  • after all
    I have nothing to get up for really
  • "after all, I have nothing to get up for really"
    • analysis
    • links to theme
    • story 

    analysis - this shows Murdo isn't happy with the way he is living, almost like he has inner conflict with himself
    links to theme - isolation, conflict
    story - the red door
  • I have never 

    he thought with wonder been myself
  • "'i have never' he thought with wonder, 'been myself'"
    • analysis
    • links to themes
    • story 

    analysis - he has now overcome this inner inflict and is going to make change
    links to themes - conflict, isolation, conformity
    story - the red door
  • she dressed in 

    red clothes...she neglected herself in the service of books and poetry
  • "she dressed in red clothes...she neglected herself in the service of books and poetry"
    • analysis
    • links to themes
    • story
    analysis - red clothes symbolize her individuality to not conform with the other villagers by wearing the same clothes as them, red also links to the red door which also symbolizes individuality
    links to themes - conformity, relationships
  • the black 

    polished car drew up outside the brown tenement
  • "the black polished car drew up outside the brown tenement"
    • analysis
    • links to themes
    • story 

    analysis - the car incongruous to the setting and characterizing Jackson as someone who no longer fits in
    use of colour to create contrast between wealth (car) and poverty (tenement)
    links to themes - change, setting
    story - home
  • the flat-faced

    shops looked back at them blankly
  • "the flat-faced shops looked back at them blankly"
    • analysis
    • links to themes
    • story 

    analysis - personification of shops present his 'home' town as characterless, doesn't recognize the place he used to call home and the place he grew up in and the place doesn't recognize him anymore as he has changed
    links to themes - change, setting
    story - home
  • she kept 

    her fur coat s far away from the as she could
  • "she kept her fur coat as far away from them as she could"
    • analysis
    • links to themes
    • story
    analysis - keeping her distance, both physically and metaphorically, she thinks she is better than everyone else and has a higher social status, she feels uncomfortable in this environment
    links to themes - change, tension, social status, setting
    story - home
  • get out of here 

    daddy, before we cut you up
  • "get out of here, daddy, before we cut you up"
    • analysis
    • links to theme
    • story
    analysis - violent word choice of 'cut' showing that they are threatening to hurt them. threatening and dramatic climax to the rising tension of the story
    links to theme - tension, conflict, change
    story - home