Modern Surgery

Cards (11)

  • Spanish Flu
  • UK's first kidney transplant
  • World's first heart transplant
    1967, South Africa
  • first face transplant
    Spain, 2010
  • blood types discovered
    1901, Karl Landsteiner
  • Blood banks set up
  • MASH
    Mobile Army Surgeon Hospital
  • Sir McIndoe
    Worked on burns
    Improved Gillies skin grafting
    helped patients back into society
  • Sir Ridley
    Improved blood trasfusions
  • Sir Harold Gilles
    Father of Modern surgery
    was a plastic surgeon and his face reconstructions gave soldiers dignity
    given money and hospital off the government
  • Arthur Hurst
    cured 90% of shell shocked patients
    took them to a Devon farm to work the land
    talking therapy