root system - underground portion of the sporophyte of vascular plants that primarily functions for absorption of water and minerals, anchorage, and production of certain hormones.
primary root - radicle of the embryo of seed plants gives rise to the first formed root called the?
lateral roots - Roots that originated from pre-existing roots (primary)
adventitious roots - originating from organs other than roots
root hairs - Young roots have hair-like appendages, arises from lateral roots
trichoblast - root hairs arise from specialized epidermal cells
taproot - root system of dicot
fibrous root - root system of monocots
root hairs - increase the surface area for water absorption.
tetrarch - xylem ridge of dicot roots
exarch - protoxylem closer to the cortex
endarch - metaxylem closer sa cortex
protostele - type of stele typical to dicot roots
siphonostele - type of stele typical to monocot roots
A) thinner
B) thicker
C) -
D) +
E) protostele
F) siphonostele
G) tetrarch
H) polyarch
storage roots - greatly thickened roots that absorb starch and water
aerial roots - adventitious roots that do not reach the soil and may take up water and minerals from the air or from runoff from plants
prop roots - adventitious roots that grow toward the soil and provide additional support to the plant
contractile roots - roots that contract vertically, consequently pulling the rootstock further into the soil, daffodils
haustoria - roots of parasitic plant penetrating the tissues of the host plant, mistletoe
pneumatophore - roots that grow upward from the soil functioning for gas exchange, mangrove
buttress roots - large, horizontally spreading, and vertically thickened roots at the base of trees