Cognitive Approach to Treating Depression

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    • CBT = cognitive behavioural therapy, aims to change the way you think and behave commonly used for depression and other mental health problems
    • CBT has a cognitive and behavioural element where the client is encouraged to challenge their negative thoughts and behaviours and they identify goals. etc together.
    • Becks cognitive therapy - aims to challenge irrational thoughts and beliefs - identifies automatic thoughts about the world, future and self (negative triad) and challeges them through homework. etc.
    • Ellis's REBT - Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy - DE was later added to ABCDE where D stands for dispute and E stands for effect. eg. clients may talk about how unlucky they have been or how unfair things seem.
    • Empirical argument in ABC model aims to see if there is actual evidence to support the negative belief.
    • Logical arguement involoves disputing whether the negative thought logically flows from the facts.
    • Behavioural activation - a technique that involves identifying and changing the behaviour that is causing the depression and increase their engagement in activities which have been shown to improve mood. eg. exercising, going out for dinner. etc.
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