Understanding the Consumer

Cards (15)

  • Market research
    the process of gaining information on customers, markets and trends through primary and secondary data
  • Purpose of market research no1
    Identify and understand customer needs
  • purpose for market research no2
    To identify gaps in the market
  • purpose of market research no3
    To reduce business risks
  • purpose of market research no4
    To make informed business decisions
  • Market segmentation??
    Dividing a market into distinct groups with similar needs, characteristics, or behaviors.
  • Demographic ??
    relates to the statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within in
  • Ways a market can be segmented?
  • Location??
    Is key because the product depends on where it will have the most influence.
  • Lifestyle??
    lives and attitudes shared by consumers
  • income?
    How much people earn is important in selling a product.
  • Social class??
    Products targeted at ABC1-DE consumers.
  • Benefits of market segmentation no1
    Advertising spend can be more cost efficient as consumer base is more specific.
  • Benefits of market segmentation no2
    Most and least profitable customers can be identified.
  • Benefits of market segmentation no3
    Least profitable markets can be avoided