- Focus on reducing tensions to allow closer relations with GDR, recognised 2 Germanies but co-operation
- '69 draft treaty prepared including recognition of both countries and GDR entering UN as sovereign nation
- '70 Brandt visits Erfurt in GDR, widely welcomed
- Stoph, GDR minister-president visited Cassel in FDR, insisted during meeting that FRG must recognised GDR before agreement and demanded DM100 million in compensation for emigrants leaving, FRG do not agree
- Basic Treaty of June 1973, two Germanies recognise each other's right to exist, FRG relinquishes claim as sole representation of german nation but offers FRG citizenship to any GDR emigrants, treaty spoke of normalision relations through developing commercial, tourist, cultural and communication links
- May 1974, exchange diplomats, formally recognising each other