Significance of Sacrament of the Sick

Cards (8)

  • Sacrament of the sick is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church that is administered to those who are being tried of illness, critically ill and those are elderly nearing death
  • It is performed by a priest and can be administered more than once and can be administered before a serious operation where there is risk to the individual
  • The sacrament provides spiritual strength, comfort and hope to those who receive it.
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church sets out for effects of the sacrament:

    1. Particular gift of the Holy Spirit
    2. Union with the passion of Christ
    3. An ecclesial grace
    4. Preparation for the final journey
  • A particular gift of the Holy Spirit
    The grace to have the strength and courage to overcome the difficulties that the individual is facing in illness as well as the grace of the Holy Spirit to have faith in God
  • Union with the passion of Christ
    Through the sacrament the individual unites themselves more closely to Christ and his suffering
  • An ecclesial grace
    By receiving this sacrament the communion of saints will intercede on behalf of the sick individual
  • Preparation for the final journey
    Prepares the individual for departure from this life to the next a promise of eternity with God