The competition

Cards (23)

  • Market mapping??
    A way of measuring where existing products sit on a two-factor grid.
  • Benefits of Market mapping NO1
    spot gaps in the market
  • Benefits of Market mapping NO2
    Can focus on features to make their products different to competitors
  • Benefits of Market mapping NO3
    Can be used to analyse consumer buying habits and preferences
  • Drawbacks of market mapping NO1
    Deciding the most important two factors is difficult.
  • Drawbacks of market mapping NO2
    Large investment of time and money in market research to provide a reliable market map.
  • Drawbacks of market mapping NO3
    Map is only on on two factors not being fully representative
  • Drawbacks of market mapping NO4
    Can be bias leading to wrong and expensive business decisions.
  • Competitive advantage??
    Feature that allows a business to perform more successfully in a market compared to others.
  • Product differentiation??
    unique feature that makes a product stand out to its competing products .
  • Benefit of product differentiation?
    Premium prices
  • Added value??
    difference between cost of materials imputed and the selling price of a product
  • The more value a product to a customer the higher the price that can be charged.
  • Benefit of Adding Value NO1 

    Charge a higher price- increase profit
  • Benefit of Adding Value NO2
    Protection against competitors offering lower prices and differentiate.
  • Benefit of Adding Value NO3
    Customer loyalty
  • Mass market??
    Large-scale production and distribution of goods to a wide audience.
  • Niche market??
    A specialized segment of the market.
  • stable markets??
    market where there are no major fluctuations in supply and demand so prices charged are roughly the same throughout.
  • Dynamic markets??
    Fluctuating demand and supply.
  • Changes in demand can be cause by..
    • social trends
    • competitive enciournment
    • changes in technology
    • Consumer tastes
  • Benefits of Dynamic markets NO1
    Offers greater convenience to consumer
  • Benefit of Dynamic market NO2
    Offers opportunities to businesses
    -lower overhead costs
    -access to wider market