
Cards (7)

  • Enzymes are tertiary structure proteins that lower the activation energy of the reaction they catalyse
  • enzymes have a specific active site due to the specific folding and bonding in tertiary structure
    the location of bonds is determined by primary structure
    this means they only bind to substrate with complementary shape
  • induced fit model
    when an enzyme substrate complex forms, the enzyme slightly changes shape to mould around substrate
    this puts strain on the bonds and lowers activation energy
  • temperature
    too high - enzyme denature, the active site changes shape and enzyme substrate complex’s cant form
    too low - not enough Kinect energy for successful collisions between enzyme and substrate
  • pH
    if the pH is too high or low it will interfere with the charges in amino acids in the active site, this can break bonds that holds the tertiary structure so the active sit changes shape
    the enzyme denatures and fewer complexes form
    different enzymes have different optimal pHs
  • enzyme and substrate concentration
    if there is insufficient substrates, the reaction will be slower as there will be fewer collisions
    if there is insufficient enzymes, the active sites will become saturated with substrates faster and wont be able to work faster
  • enzyme inhibitors
    Competitive - same shape as substrate, binds to active site so complex’s cant form. More substrate decreases its effects
    non-competitive - binds to allosteric site and causes active site to change, increases substrate wont have an effect as active site has changed shape so it can’t form complexes