
Cards (17)

  • Psych Being Investigated
    social learning in context of aggression
    -retain behavior observed, reproduce it leading to aggresive/non beh
  • Background
    investigate whether social learning theory could be used to explain aggression
    -spec when child is no longer in presence of an ag model
    prev research showed child imitated beh model in presence of model
  • Aim
    investigate whether a child would learn aggression by observing a model & would reproduce this behavior in absence of the model
    + whether the sex role of model impacted
  • Hypothesis
    -observed ag beh will be imitated; children who see an ag model will be more ag than those seeing a non-ag model/no model

    -observed non-ag beh will be imitated; children who see a non-ag model will be less ag than those seeing no model

    -children more likely yo copy a same sex-model
    -boys more likely to copy aggression than girls
  • Sample
    72 children aged 3-6 (36 boys/girls)
    -recruited from Stanford University nursery school
    observed by exp/teacher who knew them well
    -rated on 4 dif measures of: phys/verbal ag, ag to inanimate objects, ag inhibition (anxiety) on a 5 point scale
    24)12 boys/girls =control
    -rest divided equally by sex between ag/non-ag model groups betw same/op-sex models
  • Research Method
    laboratory exp, matched participants
    design: independent measures (dif children used din each of levels IV)
  • Conditions
    IV 3:
    model type: whether child saw an agressive model, non-ag, no model
    model sex: same sex as child/dif
    learner sex: whether child was boy/girl
    behavior child displayed (controlled observation)
  • Procedure
    Play area: table & chair make potato prints, sticker pictures (interesting
    -opposite corner: tinkertoy set, bobo doll
    rem in room, child not refuse to be alone/leave early

    Non-ag cond: model assembled tinkertoy 10 mins
    Ag cond: lasted only 1 minute, model attacked bobo doll
    -laid on side, sat on and punched in nose, picked up and hit on head with mallet, tossed up in air and kicked
    -seq perf 3 times over 9 mins w/ aggressive comments 2 non-ag

    -Model groups: half saw same sex, others saw model op sex
    control group: saw no model =no ag
  • Procedure Test ag
    deliberately midly annoyed: watching ag may reduce prod of ag, ensure non-ag cond/control likely to exp ag (reduction tendency meas)

    20 mins, one way mirror
    -ag model: delayed imitation

    EXP room: 3 ft bobo dall, mallet, peg board, 2 dart guns, tether ball face painted hung
    -non ag toys: tea set, crayons, colour paper, ball, 2 dolls, 3 bears, cars, trucks, plastic farm animals
  • Procedure Response
    obs 5 sec intervals 'rsp measures' of imitation; pos activities:
    -imitative phys ag: striking bobo doll w mallet, sitting on doll, punching in nose, kicking doll, tossing in air

    -imitative verbal ag: repetition phrases 'sock/hit him', 'pow'
    -imitative non-ag verbal response: 'he a tough fella'
  • Procedure Partial
    PARTIALLY imitative aggression: (incompletely)
    -mallet aggression: striking obj other than bobo doll
    -sits on bobo doll: laying without attacking

    further cat:
    -aggressive gun play: shooting darts, aiming/firing imag shots obj
    -non-imitative phys/verb ag: ag acts towards other obj + other hostile remarks 'cut him'

    non-ag play: sitting quietly
  • Results: Aggressive
    children exposed to ag models imitated exact beh, sign more ag phys/verbally than those non-ag model/control
    -1/3 ag cond copied models non-ag verbal rsp

    mean imit phys ag boys w male model: 25.8; girls 7.2
    -indic boys imitate phys ag of male model more than girls

    female model: girls imitated less (5.5) than male model (12.4)
    -girls imitated more verbal ag of same-sex model(13.7) than boy (4.3) but with male model only (2.0) and boys (12.7)

    -children more likely imitate same sex model than op (stronger in boys)
  • Results: Non-Ag
    much less likely than ag/control to exhibit mallet aggression (more apparent in girls)

    differences in non-ag play:
    -girls played more w dolls, tea sets, color while boys engaged in more exploratory and gun play
    -no sex dif in play w farm animals, cars, tether ball

    both boy/girls seeing non-ag model engaged in more non-ag play w dolls than either of other groups
    -twice much time sitting quitely not playing

    sex typed beh: seen in society as more appropriate
  • Conclusion
    observation/imitation can account for learning specific acts w/o reinforcement of either model or observer

    4 hyp supported:
    -ob ag beh imitated: children see ag models likely be more ag than those seeing non-ag/no model

    -ob non-ag beh imitated: children seeing non-ag models less aggressive than those seeing no model

    -children more likely copy same sex model, may depend to extent beh is sex-typed
    -boys are more likely to copy aggression than girls
  • Strengths
    lab exp: control extraneous variables (pos in any cond to show ag)
    standardized: saw model same length of time
    -valid, ensure dif in results betw cond due to dif betw models
    -reliable child exp same exposer

    inter-observer reliability: checked for initial obs of aggressiveness and for data rec, being high

    matched pairs design: inc validity ensure dif betw cond due to models and not individual dif betw children in each group

    measure DV obs: 1 way mirror inc validity, behave naturally than dem char
    -divided into 5 sec, categories clearly defined: imp validity/reliability
  • Weakness
    only 6 children used in each exp cond: low generalizability
    -although matched to reduce par variables, small sample

    -children similar: same nursery, university BIAS sample lower validity

    Quantitative(obj) + Qualitative(subj) data: could have included self-reports for emotions observing/reacting
    -help further explain dif in influence of sex-typing on imitation
  • Ethics
    Violate guidelines of protecting par from phys/psych harm

    may been harmed by becoming more aggressive during research
    -could have phys injured themselves w toys given
    -delib annoyed in procedure on purp (psych distressing)