Robo 2

Cards (54)

    A program consists of nodes connected to one or more patches. It is an ecosystem where all patches and nodes work in one specific action.
  • Menu bar
    is a graphical control element of XOD that contains a drop-down menu to help you navigate the entire environment.
  • Project Browser Library
    contains a variety of libraries of sections that allows you to manage all patches and add nodes to your project. It consists of xod/bits that deal with binary and bit functions, xod/common-hardware representing sensors and electronic components, and other xod libraries.
  • Inspector Bar
    contains the values of each node's active input and output pin that you can change during program creation.
  • Deployment Bar
    displays the status report of each active node from compiling, debugging, uploading, simulating, and serial display of the created program.
  • Quick Help Bar
    consists of helping tips to recall the parts and functions of each active node.
  • Patch
    is the large grey background working canvas with boxes in your program.
  • Deployment Bar
    1. Clear Log 2. Watch Value 3. Upload to Arduino 4. Upload and Debug 5. Simulate
  • CTRL + N
    New Patch
  • CTRL + SHIFT + N
    New project
  • CTRL + S
    Save project
  • CTRL + O
    open project
  • CTRL + C
  • CTRL + V
  • CTRL + X
  • CTRL + Z
  • CTRL + A
    Select all
  • Delete or backspace
  • Escape key
  • I
    Insert a node
  • H
  • CTRL + -
    Zoom out
  • CTRL + +
    Zoom in
  • CTRL + 0
    Default zoom
  • diode
    is a semiconductor device that acts as a switch for current. It allows the current to flow in one specific direction.
  • two-terminal electronic component
    Anode and cathode
  • anode
    or positive that can handle a high resistance
  • cathode
    or negative that can handle a low resistance.
  • cathode
    or negative that can handle a low resistance.
  • rectifier
    The common application of a diode is that it can be used as a
  • rectifier
    that converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) that redirects the flow of electricity.
  • There are different kinds of diodes:
    1. Light Emitting Diode 2. Photodiode 3. Laser Diode 4. Zener Diode 5. Avalanche Diode
  • LEDs
    produce different colors using several materials that produce electromagnetic radiation called photons
  • photons
    LEDs produce different colors using several materials that produce electromagnetic radiation called
  • LED lights
    are used in numerous applications, including home appliances, automobiles, handheld gadgets, indoor and outdoor lighting, and art lighting.
  • cathode
    To distinguish the anode from the cathode side of an LED, remember that the short lead (leg) is the
  • anode
    long lead is the_____ of the LED.
  • The Sine wave node
    generates a signal that returns the sine wave of the input value.
  • min and max values.
    The amplitude range of a sine wave is determined by the
  • min and max values.
    The amplitude range of a sine wave is determined by the