This quote can be interprested as rape'. Stevenson may be referring to this but had to conceal this because of a fragile Victorian audience. 'trample' = continous harm be treading and 'camly' inidcates he fins it normal/enjoyable.
"Nearly a year later... London was startled by a crime of singular ferocity"
Chapter 4 -
Stevenson moves time nearly a year which provides imagination to think about all the crimes Mr. hyde must have committed. Also, Stevenson may not have described his ghastly details because of the frail victorian audience.
"Then all of a sudden he broke out in a great flame of anger, stamping with his foot, brandishing the cane and carrying on... like a madman."
Maid Chapter 4 -
'great flame of anger' indicates the fires of hell = suggest he gets his wickedness from hell. 'Stamping is foot' = stubborness and 'brandish' = shows his excitement as it means to wave/flourish. This almost describes an angry/excited monkey.
"There lay the body of a man sorely contorted and still twitching... body of a self-destroyer"
Hyde Chapter 8 -
This image of a dead Hyde/Jekyll is quite disturbing. Dehumanisation of Hyde as he is referred as (by Utterson) a 'self-destroyer
"I mauled the unresisting body, tasting delight from every blow"
Jekyll as Hyde Chapter 10 -
Dr. Jekyll is enjoying the act of cruelty. 'mauled' shows animalistic imagery and note that Jekyll says 'I' as if he is taking the blame.