
Cards (50)

  • 'Stars hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires' - Macbeth
  • ' Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent undern't ' - Lady Macbeth
  • theme:
    Kingship- presents the example of good and bad rulers in the form of Duncan and Macbeth
  • theme:
    Gender- Shakespeare is progressive in how he portrays men and sycophantic in the way he shows women
  • theme:
    Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's relationship- went from equal to not talking
  • theme:
    Guilt- felt by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth after Duncan's murder
  • theme:
    Freewill and destiny- dealing with the devil will never end well. The Witches also represent fate
  • theme:
    Supernatural- Witches, Hecate, Banquo's ghost
  • theme:
    Deception- both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are prepared to lie in order to seize power, however they were punished for it
  • divine selection - belief that God chose the monarch
  • patriarchal - a society that views men as superior to women
  • regicide - killing of a king or queen
  • sycophantic - excessive flattery, particularly of someone in a position of power
  • deceptive - deliberately mislead
  • archetypal - typical expectations
  • transgressive - to go against the expectations
  • nihilism - belief that life is pointless
  • ' Like the cat in the adage '- Lady Macbeth
  • ' Lion' - Macbeth
  • ' They have tied me to a stake... but bear like I must fight '- Macbeth
  • ' Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood from my hand? No. ' - Macbeth
  • ' Fair is foul and foul is fair '- 3 Witches
  • ' Come thick night and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell ' - Lady Macbeth
  • ' Dearest partner of greatness ' - Macbeth
  • ' How does your patient doctor? ' - Macbeth
  • Shakespeare wanted to make money so he adapted his play to please the current monarch
  • Shakespeare was interested in gender roles and expectations and he often subverted them
  • Shakespeare was interested in human nature, especially the dark side of nature
  • Shakespeare was interested on how power and ambition could corrupt people
  • Shakespeare was also focused on whether humans have free will or whether they are victims of destiny
  • act one- 3 witches give Macbeth and Banquo their prophecies and Duncan promotes Macbeth to ' Thane of Cawdor' and therefore, Lady Macbeth encourages Macbeth to commit regicide
  • act two- Macbeth murders Duncan and Lady Macbeth criticises him but helps him to destroy the evidence. Macbeth becomes king after Malcom and Donalbain flee
  • act three- Macbeth orders Banquo and Fleance to be killed, but Fleance escapes. Banquo's ghost haunts Macbeth at the banquet and Macbeth acts guilty
  • act four- Macbeth demands three more prophecies off the apparitions and then orders the death of MacDuff's whole family. Malcom, Seyward and MacDuff prepare an army to kill Macbeth
  • act five- Lady Macbeth reveals her guilt through her somnambulistic episodes. Macbeth's castle was attacked and Lady Macbeth kills herself after going mad. MacDuff not being woman born cuts Macbeth's head off and kills him
  • ' Out damned spot! Out I say! - Lady Macbeth
  • from ' What's done is done' to ' What's done cannot be undone ' - Macbeth
  • ' Silver skin laced with his golden blood ' - Duncan
  • ' All hail Macbeth '
  • ' Macbeth is a tyrant '